What does Imprivata do?
Imprivata is an international corporation which operates in the field of healthcare IT security. They provide healthcare organisations with solutions that tackle IT security challenges and at the same time increase productivity and improve patient experience. Imprivata is the market leader in USA, UK, Australia, Benelux and Denmark. They have multiple customers in the Nordics as well.
Why outsourcing?
When Imprivata contacted us, they had one challenge: they wanted to increase their market share in Finnish markets. They already had a few clients in Finland and their experiences had been promising. Because they wanted to enter the market properly and quite fast, they needed a local partner to open new doors in Finnish healthcare companies. We started the negotiations and quite easily we reached an agreement on what would be the best way to proceed. Novia’s team would begin to contact Finnish healthcare organisations to book meetings for Imprivata’s sales representative. For marketing purposes, Imprivata also wanted to collect GDPR compliant email addresses and it could be easily done at the same time.

Well functioning cooperation
Novia and Imprivata combined their knowledge and experience to succeed as good as possible. Together we generated a story for the cold calls that would engage interest and result in high-quality meetings. Imprivata’s sales process may start in many different levels in healthcare organisations. The motives and standpoints are different and therefore the same arguments do not work in all levels. Imprivata provided Novia’s team with a thorough product training and Novia utilized their knowhow of Finnish markets. We have continued to develop our cooperation constantly and in agile manner when necessary.
Telemarketing in action
Tiia Luukela is a senior sales negotiator in Novia’s team and she has been working with case Imprivata straight from the start. Tiia has worked for Novia for 3,5 years and is a great example of a dedicated telemarketing professional. In Tiia’s opinion, this project has by no means been easy. “Learning the characteristics of the product has been hard work, but I have taken it as an interesting challenge. Customers have welcomed Imprivata’s solutions with great interest and we have successfully scheduled several good meetings”, she says. “Usually the most challenging and time consuming matter is to find the right person and the right time to talk with him or her.”

Satisfied with results
Imprivata’s team has been very satisfied with Novia’s work. Scheduled meetings have been high-quality and people we’ve met have been really interested in the solutions we provide. New customer relationships will certainly be created and our market share in Finland will grow. Just as we planned! After a successful start, we have agreed to continue cooperation with Novia.
“In order to increase our awareness in Finland and generate qualified leads, we needed a local telemarketing centre that had agents well-experienced in the IT industry. Novia managed to book qualified field appointments with the right decision makers and have provided invaluable support to our marketing initiatives. I have no hesitation in recommending the services of Novia ” – Bjorn van den Berg, EMEA Marketing Manager
In case you need excellent telemarketing services, read more about our services and contact us.
Ota yhteyttä Tutustu palveluihin

Olen toiminut Novian toimitusjohtajana 31.8.1995 alkaen. Johtamismallina minulla on henkilökunnan motivointi positiivisuuden kautta luomalla innostavia visioita, strategioita, tavoitteita ja kannustimia. Olen mielestäni palveluammatissa ja perustehtäväni on luoda olosuhteita, joissa onnistumista voi ilmetä. Organisaation osaamisen, prosessien ja toiminnan laadun kehittäminen on ollut minulle aina keskeisen tärkeää. Välillä liiankin pikkutarkkaan nipottamiseen saakka, mutta koitan oppia hyväksymään myös epätäydellisyyttä.
Toimitusjohtajakaudellani Novia on menestynyt mm. Suomen Parhaat Työpaikat listalla TOP 10 yrityksen joukossa viidesti (2009-2013), voittanut Contact Center toimialan maailmanmestaruuden (2011) ja valittu Pohjois-Pohjanmaan Yrittäjien Vuoden Yrittäjäksi (2012).
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